About Cead Mile Slainte
“Cead Mile Slainte” – “A Hundred Thousand Healings”
Cead Mile Slainte is the evolution of Back to Nature Health Store. Back To Nature is Cavan Towns multi-award-winning health store since 1987. Over the years we have developed into a hub of health and well-being providing holistic support for body, mind and spirit to all our customers nationwide.
With Cead Mile Slainte our mission is to take this support to the next level providing health awareness, information and remedy, with easy access both locally, nationally, and globally through our social media and information videos.
Cead Mile Slainte
Our origin is from a land of saints, scholars and healers. It’s time to let that awareness flow from its source with grace and ease.
The story of our logo
Our logo is the triple spiral with the universal Aum holding the centre space, going into the centre of the triple spiral. My wish and intention is that this logo itself becomes a symbol health and well-being.
in the Celtic tradition the triple spiral has great significance in the journey of life. Traditionally going into the centre of the spiral represents coming home to the self. Being present in the ever present now. The only place where we process ultimate freedom and choice.
There are 3 spirals, as 3 is a master number depicting perfection, connection and seeing beauty in all things.
The triple spiral represents, the trinity of ;
Body, Mind, Spirit
Unconscious, Conscious, Super conscious
Youth. Maturity, Old Age
Thought, Word, Deed
Beginning, Middle, End
Satvik, Rajasik, Tamasik
Stagnation, Movement, Flow
Emergence, Growth, Evolution
Emotion, Intention, Manifestation
Darkness, Awareness, Light
I Think, I Feel, I Am
Imbalance, Remedy, Balance
all leading to balance, peace and harmony
The Aum at the centre of the spiral depicts the universal sound, creating the highest vibration at the centre point
The Aum mystically embodies the centre of the entire universe. It brings about the best support and the highest support in all that we do.. it brings us into immediate connection with the source and healing power within our being. It holds the highest vibration of oneness with source energy, and was the sound present at the time of creation.
The combination of the triple spiral and the Aum for the creation of this logo truly blends the healing energies of East and West. The colour is emerald green, which is the colour of the heart chakra and particularly connected to the heart of Ireland. It is a symbol of Heaven and Earth and holds the vibration of unconditional love, and this is were true healing happens in the ever present now.